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31. Inner abundance – not hard work – powers your level of success, joy and career freedom

abundance authentic leadership growth meaning mindset purpose Apr 26, 2024



We all want to feel great in our careers. We want influence, opportunities, confidence, satisfaction, a sense of achievement, purpose. We want abundance. But it can feel hard to really grasp. What does abundance mean? Is it even possible in a world that seems to have finite resources? I’m discovering on my own path that abundance is not something we get from outside, it’s something we create from within. And when we cultivate our inner abundance it becomes a powerful radiance that we bring into the world. And from that place opportunities, freedom and fullness flows – and that’s how we manifest outer abundance.

Topics discussed:

  • What is abundance in theory and in practice?
  • The relationship between inner abundance and outer success
  • We can have abundance in some areas of our lives while we are growing in others
  • Practical strategies for how we can create abundance lives and cultivate its presence


Cultivate your inner abundance by uncovering and feeding the essence of who you are with the Discover What Gives You Meaning online workshop

FREE RESOURCE: Chart your course for 2024 using this short, guided teaching that builds on the 4 leadership themes for the year that I shared in Episode 26

Book a free 1x1 coaching discovery call or reach out for speaking, leadership development or culture and talent consulting for your company

Accelerate your career advancement with the ⁠Get Promoted online course⁠

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