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35. How to use neuroscience and epigenetics to overcome your leadership insecurities and limiting beliefs about your career

confidence epigenetics growth leadership skills mindset neuroscience self-mastery Jul 25, 2024



Are you ready to have unshakeable confidence in yourself and finally have a breakthrough in the management and leadership challenges you’ve struggled to overcome for ages? The scientifically proven fields of neuroscience and epigenetics have given us the hacks of the century!

Neuroscience has proven that, through the power of our words, we can rewire our brains to change how we think and approach life and thus easily and rapidly create any new behaviour we need in order to have what we’ve always wanted.

Epigenetics affirms this principle in the field of biology. Say we want to supercharge our energy levels so we can meet the demands of a high-performance career. We can tell your cells they are full of vitality and, in so doing, reprogramme them to reorganise themselves towards strength, vitality and regeneration.

Through exploring the work of Dr Joe Dispenza, Dr Bruce Lipton and Dr Tara Swart, I am in the depths of an experiment with these two topics regarding my physical health. Hear my story and discover how you can bring this alive for yourself in any area of your life.

Topics discussed:

* How neuroplasticity and epigenetics work to create a new reality for you

* The foundational tools you can integrate into your daily routine to easily reprogram your body and mind

* Where I’ve seen this work for me with manifesting financial provision

* How I’m currently experimenting with this to transform my health


Learn more about the resources mentioned in this episode:

Dr Bruce Lipton’s interview on Dr Tara Swart’s podcast: Changing the Programme with Bruce Lipton

The Source by Dr Tara Swart - neuroplasticity

Dr Joe Dispenza – neuroscience

Dr Bruce Lipton - epigenetics



Clarify what you want for your career and how you want to lead with the Discover What Gives You Meaning online workshop

FREE RESOURCE: Chart your course for 2024 using this short, guided teaching that builds on the 4 leadership themes for the year that I shared in Episode 26

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