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4. Discover your influencing style and increase your personal power

Apr 11, 2023



We all have a style of influencing others that comes most naturally to us. This is how we exert our personal power in order to build support and drive results in our roles as leaders. I’ve observed 3 styles of influencing that we all fall into - which is yours? Do you embrace and trust your personal style – even if it looks different to what we’ve been taught is the “right way” to show power and have leadership impact? Is fear, imitation or self-editing getting in the way?

Topics discussed:

  • What are the 3 influencing styles?
  • What are their strengths and weaknesses?
  • How do you learn to trust your style and experiment with it?
  • What limits the impact of our attempts to influence?


Clarify what you want for your career and how you want to lead with the Discover What Gives You Meaning online workshop

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