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41. Setting your leadership theme for 2025: Planning for Success Part 1

annual planning goal setting Jan 22, 2025


Join me as we explore a different way to set annual goals. Last year I decided to plan my year based primarily on 4 themes instead of a list of goals and it transformed my growth. I was able to consistently show up to the theme more than I had ever been able to show up in the past for a long list of daily actions. It also brought me more balance to how I managed my energy during the year. Instead of consistently pressing for achievement and change, I left space for reflection on the theme, learning about its wisdom, taking actions big and small, and leaving capacity for things to change.

Topics discussed:

  • A practical way to use themes instead of goals in your annual planning for your leadership and career aspirations
  • A detailed understanding of 9 core universal themes that govern the human experience
  • Accepting the shadow that comes with the light of each theme
  • Understanding your hero’s journey across your career and how to figure out where you are in your story arc so you can work with vs. against its energy
  • Identifying which theme resonates for you in 2025 and how to work with it this year



Join me in the Abundant Leaders Circle for “Starting strong: Setting your 2025 career goals”, an online annual planning workshop for high-performance leaders on Saturday 25 January 2025. Together we will avoid the overwhelm and overambition that sets us up for disappointment by setting inspiring but achievable practical goals for our year that align with our vision, honour the limitations of our demanding careers and put the right mindset and enabling support in place to help us to succeed. Find out more.


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